
For Comic Publishers
Cut global publishing costs by 90%

For Comic Creators
Reach readers in their native languages

For Translators
Elevate your work with speed and accuracy

For Editors and Typesetters
Enhance your craft with AI tools

AI Technology
The world’s most comprehensive AI localization tech suite for comics

Localization & publishing tools
All-in-one suite of tools for comics localization & publishing

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ALU: Advanced Localization Unit
One ALU consists of 50 squares of AI-localized images, with each square measuring 1960 x 1960 pixels. The AI engine used for localizing these images ensures highly accurate detection, transcription, cleaning, and translation of text and SFX, saving you 90% of your time and effort. Learn More
Click or drag files to this area to calculate the number of required ALU and corresponding cost.
Support for a single or bulk upload. Accept JPG or PNG only. Maximum 50MB per file.
Compare All Features
Storage limit
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
File importing
Image upload (PNG, JPG)
Image file size limit
0 Bytes / file
0 Bytes / file
0 Bytes / file
0 Bytes / file
PSD upload
PSD file size limit
0 Bytes / file
0 Bytes / file
Standard translation
Standard translation
Monthly localized chapter limit
undefined Chapters
undefined Chapters
Transcribe on INKR Cloud
Translate on INKR Cloud
Advanced translation
Advanced translation
Auto-detect glossary
Auto-detect style presets
Advanced text effects
ALU Quota
Monthly free ALU
Price per additional ALU
File Exporting
Export as images (PNG, JPG)
Remove watermarks
Export as PSD
Export as Full PSD
Export on INKR Cloud
Trusted by 150+ global comic publishers and creators

What language does Studio support?
Studio supports localization from and to 12 most popular languages, including: German, Spanish, French, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
What is an ALU (Advanced Localization Unit)?
One ALU consists of 50 squares of AI-localized images, with each square measuring 1960 x 1960 pixels. The AI engine used for localizing these images ensures highly accurate detection, transcription, cleaning, and translation of text and SFX, saving you 90% of your time and effort.
How many free ALUs per month are included in each pricing tier?
The number of monthly free ALUs varies across tiers. For specific details, please refer to our pricing table on the page.
Can I localize without using ALU?
Certainly! You can utilize the Standard localization option, which automatically manages transcription detection, cleaning, and translation for texts within bubbles. However, for texts outside of bubbles, SFX, and handwritings, manual cleaning and translation are required. These automated features are exclusive to ALU usage.
How does the ALU rollover work?
Free monthly ALUs do not rollover to the next month. Each month, your plan is replenished with the allotted number of free ALUs.
Can I purchase additional ALUs if I exceed my monthly limit?
Yes, you can purchase additional ALUs beyond your plan's limit. Check the pricing details for the cost of additional ALUs.
How does payment and billing work for additional ALU?
If you've exhausted your monthly allocation of free ALUs and require more, you will incur an additional charge of 2-4 USD per ALU, depending on your subscription plan (details available in the pricing table). These extra charges will be reflected in your billing for the current month.
What happens if I exceed my storage limit?
If you exceed your storage limit, you can upgrade your studio’s plan to get more storage space.
Is there a trial period for the pricing plans?
We currently do not offer a trial period, but you can explore our features and functionality through our free plan.
Can I change my pricing plan later on?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. Changes will be reflected in the next billing cycle.
Starting at
Billed monthly based on usage
Get started
0 Bytes Storage
localized chapters per month
Support JPG, PNG file upload
Export with watermarks
Starting at
Billed monthly based on usage
Get plan
0 Bytes Storage
localized chapters per month
0 free Advanced Localization Unit (ALU) per month
0 USD per additional ALU
Remove watermarks
Most popular
Starting at
Billed monthly based on usage
Get plan
0 Bytes Storage
Unlimited localized chapters
0 free Advanced Localization Unit (ALU) per month
0 USD per additional ALU
Support PSD file
Unlock the full power and support you need to seamlessly localize vast amounts of content.
Contact us for pricing
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0 Bytes Storage
Unlimited localized chapters
0 free Advanced Localization Unit (ALU) per month
0 USD per additional ALU
Support PSD file
ALU: Advanced Localization Unit
One ALU consists of 50 squares of AI-localized images, with each square measuring 1960 x 1960 pixels. The AI engine used for localizing these images ensures highly accurate detection, transcription, cleaning, and translation of text and SFX, saving you 90% of your time and effort.
What language does Studio support?
Studio supports localization from and to 12 most popular languages, including: German, Spanish, French, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Thai, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
What is an ALU (Advanced Localization Unit)?
One ALU consists of 50 squares of AI-localized images, with each square measuring 1960 x 1960 pixels. The AI engine used for localizing these images ensures highly accurate detection, transcription, cleaning, and translation of text and SFX, saving you 90% of your time and effort.
How many free ALUs per month are included in each pricing tier?
The number of monthly free ALUs varies across tiers. For specific details, please refer to our pricing table on the page.
Can I localize without using ALU?
Certainly! You can utilize the Standard localization option, which automatically manages transcription detection, cleaning, and translation for texts within bubbles. However, for texts outside of bubbles, SFX, and handwritings, manual cleaning and translation are required. These automated features are exclusive to ALU usage.
How does the ALU rollover work?
Free monthly ALUs do not rollover to the next month. Each month, your plan is replenished with the allotted number of free ALUs.
Can I purchase additional ALUs if I exceed my monthly limit?
Yes, you can purchase additional ALUs beyond your plan's limit. Check the pricing details for the cost of additional ALUs.
How does payment and billing work for additional ALU?
If you've exhausted your monthly allocation of free ALUs and require more, you will incur an additional charge of 2-4 USD per ALU, depending on your subscription plan (details available in the pricing table). These extra charges will be reflected in your billing for the current month.
What happens if I exceed my storage limit?
If you exceed your storage limit, you can upgrade your studio’s plan to get more storage space.
Is there a trial period for the pricing plans?
We currently do not offer a trial period, but you can explore our features and functionality through our free plan.
Can I change my pricing plan later on?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. Changes will be reflected in the next billing cycle.